Evolution THROUGH Astrology.

multidimensional, holistic & deconditioning
astrology reader training.

evolution through astrology.

an adventure into the dark, the light and every shade of every colour in between - using the Astrology Chart as a map to guiding your own, and your client’s healing & expansion.

A sacred self-led astrology exploration;

$555 for the entire self-study course.

One time
For 2 months

Since I started teaching astrology in 2020, my practice has morphed, expanded & shifted as the needs of my clients did.

Nobody can deny that we live in a very different world than we did in 2020. The emotional, psychological, spiritual & physical needs of people seeking support through astrology is different now than they were then. And so - I decided it was high time I updated my practitioner training to best support the needs of clients in 2023 (and beyond).

You are invited to the official teaching of this entirely new reader training.

If you have taken this course live before, THIS IS A TOTALLY NEW COURSE. Of course, there will be some overlaps - but the curriculum now is not solely lineage-taught evolutionary astrology, but the amalgamation of all the teachings & practices I use in my practice now.

need to know:
here is your basic details!

This course is available as a pre-recorded, self-study course that you will have lifetime access to.


πŸ’  Lifetime access to a self-study portal with 9x in-depth, expertly taught video modules. Each is a 1.5-4 hour workshop, lecture or class exploring everything you need to know (and more) to use evolutionary astrology in a transformative, informative, life-changing way both with yourself, or with clients.

πŸ’ Easy-to-refer to lecture slides, plus lots of PDFs and other helpful learning resources!

suitable for beginners and intemediate astrology enthusiasts/practitioners.

**if you are at the beginning of your astrology journey, you will need to study a little harder: but all background information is provided.

β€œThe starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands.”

- Carl Jung


Each class/lecture/workshop will varies from 1.5 - 4 hours.


120minute introductory class.
1.1 πŸ’  Introduction to multidimensional, evolutionary and holistic astrology.
πŸ’  The therapeutic potential of astrology and practitioner responsilibities.
πŸ’  Introduction to quantum decision making and the Fate versus Free Will discussion
1.2 πŸ’  What is Evolutionary Astrology?
πŸ’  How to pull charts & beginning to get familiar with the language of astrology
πŸ’ Introduction to the nodal axis of the moon & why the same patterns come up over & over again for clients (this is the baseline of what will be built upon through the following classes).
πŸ’  Introduction to the nervous sytem & polyvagal theory: something we will explore more as the course continues.

MODULE TWO: we are all made of stars (the planets as Soul pieces).

4 hours of recordings

2.1: πŸ’  starting with the big three: Sun, moon & rising.
2.2: πŸ’  mercury, venus, mars, jupiter & saturn as soul pieces, and as stories, and as characters.
2.3: πŸ’  the chaos of the collective: uranus, neptune & pluto as stories, qualities and as characters

MODULE THREE: zōdiakòs kýklos, the circle of tiny animals.

4 hours of recordings

3.1: πŸ’  The Multidimensional Aries to Virgo (the light, dark & everything in between as myths, stories, roles for planets, and as south nodes.)
3.2: πŸ’  The Multidimensional Libra - Pisces (the light, dark & everything in between as myths, stories, roles for planets, and as south nodes.)

MODULE FOUR: Houses, Interceptions and Aspects: a full spectrum life

120min lecture recording

4.1: πŸ’  houses 1-6
4.2: πŸ’  houses 7- 12
4.3: πŸ’  aspects & the evolutionary potential of tension
4.4: πŸ’  interceptions

MODULE FIVE: Revision and Practice Class

90min workshop recording

5.1 - πŸ’  Revise everything we have learned so far and watch it come to life with a practice chart. Break week from learning new material to gain confidence before we move on.

MODULE SIX: entering the chart via the evolutionary axis (the nodes of the moon & their rulers)

120min workshop recording

6.1 - πŸ’  the nervous system, Soul trauma, the south node, its ruler & any planets in aspect to the south node.

6.2 - πŸ’  the north node, healing through the north node, finding expansion in newness, planets in aspect & the ruler.

MODULE SEVEN: P1/ The IC and Early Life; The MC and career Astrology, P2/ Quantum Theory and Practice.

120min recording

7.1 πŸ’  The IC, the 4th & 8th House: the family of origin, ancestry, early childhood, and finding a sense of home & safety

7.2 πŸ’  Career, purpose & legacy in the chart

7.3 πŸ’  Quantum healing using astrology as guide, collapsing timelines, etc.

MODULE EIGHT: Transits and Life Transitions & where Human Design complements EA (and vice versa)

120min recording

8.1 πŸ’  Transits in evolutionary astrology

8.2 πŸ’  LIFE TRANSITIONS: becoming an adult (the cycle of Saturn) & embracing midlife chaos (the Uranus opposition)

8.3 πŸ’  where human design fits in with everything

8.4 πŸ’  Integration of different parts/planets

MODULE NINE: Asteroid Goddesses, Reclaiming the Magic, Astral Journeys & Goddess Work

120min recording

9.1 πŸ’  The Asteroid Goddesses

9.2 πŸ’  Witch Wounds & Healing

9.3 πŸ’  Working with Deities

9.4 πŸ’  Imrama & sacred internal journeys

multidimensional energy exchange:

A sacred self-led astrology exploration;

$555aud or 2x monthly $280aud for the entire self-study course.

One time
For 2 months

why astrology, why now

upgrading our ancient knowledge,
to meet the present needs
of an evolving humanity.

we are existing in a place and time when more and more people are seeking support, guidance, and clarity.

all kinds of healing are needed right now; and astrology provides an avenue to deep individual purpose, awareness & healing.

astrology is a practice that can give instant penetrative insight into the emotional, spiritual & lifelong journey of a person - what they struggle with, why they struggle with it, and how they can break the patterns of the past to live according to their deepest, most authentic selves.

more people are not finding answers to their desperate search for answers on why they feel the way they do in the mainstream, and are returning to more spiritual, holistic means of healing.

it is for this reason, the needs of clients are deeply changing - and as practitioners, we need to adapt and innovate to meet these changing needs.