Are you ready to root so deep into
feeling nourished;
feeling filled up:
and moving WITH your natural energetics in business?
Letting Success and Satisfaction take over every inch of bitterness and frustration that is currently all up in every facet of your work???
We are going to be ignoring the mind’s rules and logic in every area… and realigning to the deep wells of wisdom of your BODY so that income and impact are the side effects of feeling GOOD AND FULLY SEL-EXPRESSED.

Body Led Business

is a Human Design meets business intensive for Projectors, MGs and Generators specifically, but absolutely NOT the kind that will tell you:

"this is what kind of content you should create, based on your unconscious Venus placement!!!"

That's your mind. That's your mind. THAT'S YOUR MIND.

It's lack of self-trust! The KILLER of Success and Satisfaction.

We are doing the opposite of that.

You desire business, creation and income to feel natural, easeful, fun? What it's MEANT to be? Exit the mind. Follow the strategy of your body. I know you don't think you can trust it...but you can.

I know you! Your mind wants to say "no! As long as I control absolutely all the details, overthink my offerings, overthink my pricing, overthink my content, overthink my marketing, overthink every piece of copy, ensure I don't annoy anyone...THEN I'LL EVENTUALLY ENJOY THIS, IT WILL EVENTUALLY FEEL NATURAL!"

that's not how it works. You put so many labels on "why" your business feels frustrating or is the source of such bitterness. "It's my mummy issues" "it's this one specific trauma from 2008" "it's my Chiron placement": but there's only one reason, And that is operating from the Illusion. Stop that, and see the greatest shift you've ever seen in your business and your BODY SENSATIONS.

Lofty topics like Alignment, taking aligned action
- those terms we hear again and again but don’t fully understand-
I am going to be Breaking them down for you in the way literally ONLY a 3/5 can because I have lived it, been in it, been out of it, slipped back into it, and back out of it over and over and through all the rollercoaster: finally mastered it, so that you can do it easily ;)

Body Led Business

✓ access to body led business
✓ access to business as a being

The Hot & Sweaty Details..

This is a 5x 1 hour module program, designed to COMPLETELY overhaul the energetics of your business.

The Content:

⚡Module One: what it means to run a body Led Business, connecting to ego-shattering soul mission, it is not about you, activations to get you out of your way once and for all.
⚡Module Two: staying aware of the body, following subtle shifts. alignment. pure, powerful potent content creation. to niche or not niche, when that feels soul repressing? & more.
⚡Module Three: Sacral special!
⚡ Module Four: Projector special!
⚡Module Five: Q&A, covering business plans versus business models, moving through fears of being seen, fears of pivoting, getting started, fears of growing too quick, using AI intuitively & more.

Everything is ready for you now inside a cosmic Portal which you'll have access to forever.

🧬the codes will keep upgrading you.
🧬the activations will keep shifting you out of your stagnancy and boredom when it deigns to re-enter your body.
🧬the truth will keep settling into your bones and blood at NEW levels, everytime you re-watch.

You know me. You know I usually don't make promises from offerings. But I am going to make you a promise I can keep:

🌀Within the first 10 mins of the first day's transmission I'll shake you out of your mind-first stuckness and stagnancy and "nothing is changing and nothing is working and what is the point" business.

🌀By day 3 the whole concept of "eugh I”ll just feel bad NOW then it will feel good later" will be laid dead.

🌀By day 5, I'm so sorry but you'll probably have restructured your entire business, your content planning, your prices and all your offerings to feel SO GOOD, SO NOURISHING, TO FILL YOU UP, and to suit your unique energetics.

Body Led Business
One time
For 2 months

✓ access to body led business
✓ access to business as a being